Phoenix Navy Issue Phoenix Navy Issue orders

Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. qty Expires First seen
The Citadel 0.4 Ishomilken IX - Moon 12 - Mercantile Club Bureau 6.798.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/19/2024 09:37:15 21 days ago
The Citadel 0.3 Tama VII - Moon 9 - Republic Security Services Testing Facilities 6.799.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/18/2024 13:04:08 6 days ago
The Forge 0.3 Obe V - Joint Harvesting Plantation 6.800.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/15/2024 00:34:54 10 days ago
The Forge 0.4 Maila V - Moon 2 - Peace and Order Unit Assembly Plant 6.899.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/14/2024 11:24:37 10 days ago