Compressed Shimmering Chromite Compressed Shimmering Chromite orders

Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. qty Expires First seen
Syndicate -0.4 S-U8A4 V - Moon 1 - Ishukone Corporation Factory 70,01 34 / 34 3.4000000000000004 m3 1 09/03/2024 15:05:35 14 days ago
The Forge 0.9 Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant 24.490,00 50.348 / 50.348 5034.8 m3 1 08/08/2024 02:56:14 2 days ago
The Forge 0.9 Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant 24.500,00 4.816 / 4.816 481.6 m3 1 07/30/2024 11:33:35 3 days ago
The Forge 0.2 Uemon VIII - Moon 3 - Perkone Factory 25.000,00 27.433 / 27.433 2743.3 m3 1 08/16/2024 12:15:13 21 days ago
The Forge 0.9 Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant 28.000,00 2.159 / 2.273 215.9 m3 1 08/12/2024 22:52:34 2 months ago
The Forge 0.9 Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant 32.200,00 11.567 / 11.567 1156.7 m3 1 08/15/2024 17:40:12 one month ago