Moros Moros orders

Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. qty Expires First seen
The Forge 0.3 Akora IX - Moon 8 - Peace and Order Unit Assembly Plant 3.500.000.000,00 1 / 3 1300000 m3 1 10/15/2024 18:08:17 23 days ago
The Forge 0.3 Akora IX - Moon 8 - Peace and Order Unit Assembly Plant 3.500.000.000,00 3 / 3 3900000 m3 1 10/15/2024 18:08:38 28 days ago
Derelik 0.1 Podion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost 3.549.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 09/01/2024 18:50:17 one month ago
The Forge 0.4 Otsela VI - Moon 13 - Ishukone Corporation Factory 3.748.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/06/2024 15:24:48 13 days ago
Genesis 0.4 Alal VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council Tribunal 3.850.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 09/08/2024 06:21:16 one month ago
The Forge 0.4 Ihakana VIII - Moon 6 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio 3.945.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 09/25/2024 08:01:34 one month ago
Black Rise 0.2 Rakapas II - State Protectorate Logistic Support 3.950.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 09/10/2024 22:33:20 one month ago
Verge Vendor 0.4 Ouelletta V - Moon 5 - Federal Navy Academy 4.300.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/08/2024 20:46:54 15 days ago
Placid 0.3 Oulley IV - Moon 1 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant 4.998.000.000,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 08/10/2024 22:23:02 one month ago
Metropolis 0.4 Konora VI - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 10/21/2024 07:52:45 3 days ago
Domain 0.1 Ziriert VI - Zoar and Sons Factory,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 09/28/2024 06:04:54 12 days ago
Domain 0.3 Asoutar V - Moon 5 - Theology Council Accounting,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 08/30/2024 14:53:12 16 days ago
The Citadel 0.4 Enderailen VIII - Moon 16 - Genolution Biotech Production,00 1 / 1 1300000 m3 1 09/27/2024 12:08:21 26 days ago