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Fleet: Thursday night Thrashers
  Hung Lao  •    5 months ago  •    0
Fit 1: Thrasher, T1 InstaThrash
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  Anonymous  •    5 months ago  •    0  •  Role:   •  Alpha suitable
# needed
Cargo Bay
Fit price: 6.451.252,32 ISK | Total price: 6.451.252,32
Fit 2: Thrasher, T2 InstaThrash
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  Anonymous  •    5 months ago  •    0  •  Role:   •  Alpha suitable
# needed
Cargo Bay
Fit price: 15.043.361,32 ISK | Total price: 15.043.361,32
Fit 3: Maulus Navy Issue, Instalock
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  Anonymous  •    5 months ago  •    0  •  Role:   •  Omega only
# needed
Cargo Bay
Fit price: 79.417.395,36 ISK | Total price: 79.417.395,36
Fit 4: Vigil Fleet Issue, Instalock
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  Anonymous  •    5 months ago  •    0  •  Role:   •  Omega only
# needed
Fit price: 17.686.502,42 ISK | Total price: 17.686.502,42
Fit 5: Exequror, Camp Logi
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  Anonymous  •    5 months ago  •    0  •  Role:   •  Omega only
# needed
Cargo Bay
Fit price: 36.280.254,98 ISK | Total price: 36.280.254,98
Fleet description

Doctrine: Thrasher Gatecamp

-This comp relies on QUICK LOCKING (sebos), NO RUN AWAY (warp distruptors) and MASSIVE ALPHA (Artillery) at like 10km. If we shoot something big, keep at range 10.5km and don't let him scram!

0) Set up close to the gate, preferably right on the center-line of the gate above or below. Make sure you have a clear line of sight to your warp-off ping / bookmark.
1) Make sure your sensor boosters are ON with scan res scripts loaded.
2) Make sure your guns are overheated.
3) Select someone in local, hit CTRL-A to select all the local people.
4) Watch the gate. If you see a flash and someone new in local, you have someone coming in.
5) Pre-activate your guns and point, so they are flashing. Hold down CTRL, and hover your mouse at the bottom of your overview list.
6) When the target appears, simply click.
7) When you take gate guns, WARP OFF TO YOUR PING. Someone else will remain to hold point.
8) When you land at the ping, WARP BACK TO THE GATE.
9) Re-establish point and continue applying DD. The gate guns will ignore you now for that target.
The following number of thrashers can 2-shot the following ship types:

1 thrasher - low tank frigate
3 thrashers - destroyer
5 thrashers - t3 destroyer
7 thrashers - cruisers
11 thrashers - battlecruisers

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